Project Management
and Facilitation
to the Financial Industry

   59 Temple Place, Suite 615
   Boston, Massachusetts 02111
   (617) 426-3701

  Cheryl Gross, PMP, President


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Project Examples - Regulatory Programs - Change Management

Change Management

This client is a Community Bank whose Senior Management had identified that they needed to improve their control of routine modifications to software and hardware upgrades and patches. Our client's challenge was to design a Change Management procedure that would improve controls and protect the Bank and yet not prove so time consuming and cumbersome as to be impossible to administer.

We partnered with our client utilizing Cheryl Gross & Associates project management methodology to:

  Design a tiered requirements, cost based Change Management Program
      that includes the following components:

       Prioritization rules, methodology and structure for technology upgrades
          and patches.
       System Impact Assessment.
       Testing procedures and protocols.
       Documentation requirements.

   Develop user friendly forms, templates and procedures.

We leveraged the efforts of our client by customizing Cheryl Gross & Associates Program templates. Working in conjunction with our client we were able to customize a solution to fit their needs.

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